Linck Child, Youth and Family Supports (Linck) is an accredited multi-service agency that provides developmental, mental health, youth justice and protection services to children, youth and their families.  We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are elected from within the community. Programs and services are developed in response to the needs of children, youth, and families in our community.

In Chatham-Kent, Linck is the organization legally mandated to protect children and youth from abuse and neglect.  As a Children’s Aid Society, we are regulated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and governed by the Ontario Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA).

Our Child and Youth Mental Health services are primarily funded by the Ministry of Health. There is no charge to families for this service. Linck is the Lead Agency in Chatham-Kent for child and youth mental health services.  Lead agencies across the province oversee and coordinate the delivery of mental health services and programs in their region and work with community partners to provide a wide range of support for children and youth. As the Lead Agency providing core child and youth mental health services in Chatham-Kent, Linck works collaboratively with various community partners to actively discuss and address broader community mental health priorities.

Developmental services are primarily funded by and delivered in partnership with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

The Youth Justice Program is mandated by the Youth Criminal Justice Act. We offer counselling and therapy to youth ages 12 – 17 years on probation referred by their probation officer. We also offer court ordered psychological and psychiatric assessments.

Keeping children and youth safe and well is a community responsibility.

We receive many calls each year from concerned citizens, teachers, police, other agencies, and health care professionals about children and families who may need help. Families may be facing challenges such as poverty, unemployment, ill health, domestic violence, or mental health issues. When a family needs support, we try to link them to a variety of community services. Together, with community service colleagues, we work with children and families for a stronger, healthier community.

Under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, Children’s Aid Societies are mandated to:
  • Investigate allegations or evidence that children under the age of 18 may be in need of protection
  • Protect children where necessary
  • Provide guidance, counselling, and other services to families for protecting children or preventing circumstances requiring the protection of children
  • Provide care and supervision for children assigned or committed to its care
  • Facilitate the adoption process for children when needed

We believe that children belong with their families and our work is done with families and children in their own homes.

Mission & Vision


Strong connections for a better future.


Progressive improvement to well-being and safety for children, youth, and their families.



We aim to be good colleagues and community partners.


Our aim is that all children, youth, parents, families, caregivers and staff feel respected by the agency.


Our aim is to deliver a more equitable service, reducing barriers and disproportionality in our services.


Our aim is to be accountable for our service quality, with our resources, and to our community.


Our aim is to continue to build trust with communities with whom trust has been broken, with our staff and our families.

Empowerment of Families

Our aim is to facilitate families to build on their strengths toward a better future.


We aim to provide the support the children, youth, and families in our community need.

Linck Child, Youth & Family Supports Strategic Plan

To read more about our strategic directions and priorities, please view our Strategic Plan.